Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!  
     It's that time of the year again! With jackolanterns, skeletons, and other decorations seen all around the building, Raiders are definitely into the Halloween spirit, and will be celebrating this exciting holiday in different ways. Whether it's at a costume party, or trick-or-treating, we wish Port Raiders a fun night. Enjoy your candy and be safe trick-or-treating!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Raiders For The Cure
     Every year Staten Island supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a walk at Clove Lake's Park. This year Port Richmond High School Raiders participated in the walk, donating over $2,500, the highest we've ever raised. To do this, the Student Government made and sold Rainbow Loom bracelets, ribbon-shaped lollipops, and brand new Breast Cancer T-shirts. On the day of the walk, over 100 Port students, staff, and parents came together to support the fight against cancer.
                                         Big Ang and Raiders support Breast Cancer Awareness

Monday, October 21, 2013

Varsity Football Team Wins Homecoming 
     The Varsity Football Team won the Homecoming Game against Brooklyn Tech this Saturday. It was a close game and even with a key player's injury, the team pulled through for #24 Terrence Overton, winning the last minute victory with a TD by senior Lemont "Pony" Bryant. This is the last Homecoming for the senior players, and we are all thrilled when they made us proud once again. Go Raiders!
            Varsity Raiders exalt in last minute Homecoming victory against Brooklyn Tech

Thursday, October 17, 2013

5K Walk/Run
     Raiders showed their pride by participating in the annual 5K Walk/Run. Many students and teachers either ran or walked the 3 miles, while jamming to the motivational music that blasted from the sidelines. This event brought about the opportunity for Raiders to gain 5 hours of community service, and exercise for the health of it. COSA Mr. Medugno, and Student Government, along with PE teachers, organized the wonderful occasion, giving out shirts and water, and initiating enthusiasm for walkers/runners during their trail. Like always, the 5K was a success and we have no doubt that the years to come will be too.
Raider runners
Raider walkers

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Carmine Giovinazzo Visits Port Richmond
     On Thursday, October 10th, Port Richmond had the honor of welcoming 1991 alumnus Carmine Giovinazzo, who many might recognize as Detective Danny Messer from the hit T.V. show "C.S.I.: New York." As a student at Port Richmond, Carmine was involved in Performing Arts and was a part of the Raider Baseball Team. With his experience, he was able to encourage and inspire our students to pursue their dreams, particularly for acting and performing. Raiders were pleased to meet Giovinazzo and were thankful for his appearance, hoping he would come back for another visit in the near future. 

Carmine Giovinazzo (Class of '91) returns home to Port

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

T.V./Media Mixer
     Another special SLC mixer was held this Tuesday, October 8th, for the T.V./Media SLC sophomores, allowing them to meet and mix with the SLC seniors. SLC Assistant Principal Ms. Hershenfeld was there to meet and speak with the students, and T.V. Media teacher Mr. Garis gave a presentation to celebrate the achievements of last year's "Good Morning Port Richmond" crew, and inspired the sophomores, letting them know what is expected of them in the years to come. Students enjoyed pizza and soft drinks as they watched GMPR's highlights, and all the SLC members had a chance to bond and have fun.

SLC seniors meet sophomores over soda

T.V./Media talented SLC members enjoy a bite

Mr. Garis inspires his new T.V./Media members

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Port Richmond's "White Party" Success
     This past Friday, something that has never been done before was a huge success. With more than 100 tickets sold, the first party of the year paved the way for our future student gatherings. The Freshman Academy, with the help of Mr. Medugno and his student council, put the whole shindig together, inviting Oxygen's reality star Priscilla Mennella for a special meet and greet with our students. Not only did everyone have a great time dancing under the black lights and taking pictures with Priscilla, which are available on the prstudentactivities Instagram account, but Port was able to raise money for the Freshman Academy, making it possible to have more events like these in the future.