Spirit Week Comes To Port Richmond!
Last week was SPIRIT WEEK! Spirit week was full of Raider Spirit. During this week students express themselves while showing their school spirit. Monday kicked off the spirit with students and staff dressed in our famous Raider Red. Twin Tuesday brought out the inner duplicates of our student body. Wednesday was culture day. We were able to visit the world all at one time. Students dressed up representing their cultural background and at the end of the day they came together for the Kwanzaa lighting. On Thursday, the students and staff came to school dressed down in their comfy pajamas. It was a relaxing day for us, especially since wearing pajamas was involved. In addition to the fun, our school raised $1,200 for the young child PJ who suffers from a terrible disease. Last but certainly not least, Ugly Sweater Friday. With Christmas break vastly approaching, the ugly Christmas sweaters couldn't be left out of the festivities. Friday night, we hosted a night full of fun for our community. The night began with our Raiders helping kids with arts and crafts. There was a movie shown for the kids to embrace the Christmas spirit. The culinary students served food for the guests and gifts were distributed to the neighborhood children by Santa Claus. We hope the Port Richmond family had a great time last week being that this is our last full week before the break. Enjoy the rest of this day Raiders !
Twin Teachers
Culture Day Attire
Teachers and Students ready for bed
Helping Hands Club wrapping gifts for community children