Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New You

The staff of The Crow's Nest would like to welcome all Raiders back from holiday vacation and wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. We sent our inquiring photographer into the halls to ask Raiders about their New Year's resolutions. Here's what they had to share:

Junior Michael Olawumni says he wants to "save up money for my car."

Aashar Akram says "I want a girlfriend."

Junior Brittany Settanni wants "to draw more."

Freshman Deanne Weingarten (left) wants to "stop being mean to people," Freshman Kasia Czaplicki (middle) wants to "try to give less attitude to people," and Freshman Faith James (right) would like "to protect animals and not judge others."

Mr. Mark Sears ("Coach Bear") says he is going to "lose weight. I'm on a diet."

Senior Vincent Panepinto wants "to not make a New Year's resolution because they don't work."

Dean Spaventa wants "to try to be a better person than last year."

Seniors Victoria Proscia (left) and Javier Rodriguez (right) want to "hit the gym."

Sophomore Vincent Alcantara (left) wants to "make at least one person as happy as they can be," and Sophomore Jon Mirasol (right) would like to "do more chores in the house."

Junior Nicole Kulpowsky (left) wants "to work harder in school and prepare for college," Sophomore Rachel Rivera (middle) wants "to eat healthier and work out more," and Cortney Killebrew (right) would like to "make enough money this year to go to Columbia next summer."

Sophomore Tiffany Mai (left) says she wants to "focus on studying for the PSAT and be more outgoing." Sophomore Tessy Samuel (right) would like to "be nicer to people."

Ms. Vinci (English department) wants to "lose the ten pounds that I have gained."

Assisstant Principal Ms. Pollari would like to "try to make deadlines better than I have in the past and go to the gym Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8 to 9:30."

Sophomore Marissa Levine (left) wants to "pass every class and have fun with life, but safely." Sophomore Victoria Coletti (right) would like to "keep getting better grades in school and stop talking in class."

Senior Yvette Castillo wants "to come early to school and not be absent as much."

Thanks to all Raiders who shared their New Year's resolutions, and we wish you luck in fulfilling them in the new year!


  1. Love reading these resolutions!

    Happy 2012!

    Bob Edwards
    PRHS Class of 1966

  2. Staff of The Crow's NestJanuary 10, 2012 at 12:57 PM

    We love when alumni read our paper! Thanks, Kansas Bob!

  3. vincent is a hottie
